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DJ Zorro

[Cornwall U.K] close

DJ Zorro aka James Horrocks is a DJ & promoter of the Shipwrecked parties and a radio DJ on Beat 106 Scotland. Zorro was resident at Ministry of Sound, Heaven & Pacha London and Ibiza & has performed on tour dates with Black Eyed Peas & Pussycat Dolls .. His […]

Space Flower


 A newcomer to the scene and making her debut by Joining the Orbital Gathering crew . Jess is already an award-winning cinematographer in her day life and she has decided to focus on her other lifelong passion, Music. After having graced the dancefloor with her presence for many years, Space […]


[Cornwall U.K] close

A project that began in 2012 following years of fun under other aliases, Silkworm was born from the love of non dance floor tunes that still groove. As other projects wound down, Silkworm now encompasses a far wider range of music, from goosebump electronica to mind bending progressive techno.

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